作者:李麗華; 黃金亮; 張柯; 殷鏢;
關鍵詞:無機非金屬材料; 熔鹽法; Bi4Ti3O12; 晶粒尺寸; 微觀形貌;
機構: 河南科技大學材料科學與工程學院; 河南科技大學材料科學與工程學院 河南洛陽; 河南洛陽;
摘要: 以Bi2O3和TiO2為原料,采用熔鹽法合成了純的鉍層狀結構的Bi4Ti3O12粉體。利用XRD和SEM等手段對其結構和形態(tài)進行了表征。結果表明,熔鹽法合成的Bi4Ti3O12粉體呈現(xiàn)規(guī)則的片狀。當溫度從800℃升高到1050℃時,粉體片狀尺寸增大,徑高比增加;當鹽與反應物的質量比為0.8時,所得粉體片狀尺寸較小,形狀不規(guī)則;鹽與反應物質量比增加到1時,粉體的尺寸明顯增大。 The pure stoichiometric Bi4Ti3O12 power was successfully prepared by a molten salt method using Bi2O3 and TiO2 as raw materials. The crystal structure and morphology of the powder were characterized by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope. The results reveal that the powders have a distinct flake structure. And particle size is increased when reacting temperature increases from 800 ℃ to 1 050 ℃.The shape of Bi4Ti3O12 power is irregular and particle size is small when salt∶reactant is 0.8 (mass...
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